Leverett Butts - Musings of a Bored English Teacher

Occasional web log from Southern writer Leverett Butts.

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Location: Temple, Georgia, United States

English Professor in Georgia. Writer of Southern lit

Thursday, January 27, 2005

We interrupt our program to bring you something important.

Today marks the sixtieth anniversary of the most horrific incident in the modern era.

I can't really say that it marks the end of the horror, though for millions of people it did, because it also marks the beginning for many many more.

When Soviet forces reached Auschwitz, they found there living evidence of how far a human soul can sink into depravity and inimaginable cruelty. They gave the world proof that something terribly wrong was going on in Germany, but the world had suspected this all along.

Thousands of refugees can't be wrong, can they?

What no one knew was exactly how wrong that something was. Indeed, the spectacle that met Russian soldiers inside that snow covered camp could not have been imagined even by the most gruesome of horror writers of the day. The imagery can only be approximated by such writers today even. We can draw a disturbing picture,but we can never match the the mind-numbing chill of the actual experience.

Thank God.

The holocaust is so disturbing, many can't believe it's real. There is a group, maybe even several, who try desperately (and vainly) to deny it ever happened. And who can really blame them for wanting to do that. Nobody wants to believe that sane and apparently well-adjusted individuals could condone much less perpetrate such acts.

Sadly, though, to say the holocaust didn't happen is tantamount to saying slavery was just a prolonged indentured servitude.

I have relatives who survived Auschwitz.

I have relatives who died there, too.

They don't have to talk about it because the truth is written in every fibre of their being.

Lest we forget:

We now return you to our regularly scheduled program.