It's been a slow week here in Temple, GA. We've had registration at work, so I haven't had much time to think of anything witty to say. Therefore I've decided to let someone else have a voice today.
I don't remember where I found this list, but if any of you have seen the short-lived and now defunct show American Gothic you may find this amusing. If you haven't seen the show, shame on you; it's probably your fault it got yanked.
Go out now and find someone who had the foresight to tape them and watch one of the best horror/suspense shows you missed out on.
(courtesy of
Beware of little boys in striped shirts.
If you hear "Someone's at the door." -- Run
Being dead does not mean being gone.
Don't mess with the law. Even if you win, you lose.
Everybody has a secret, and someone who knows what it is.
Don't trust your school teacher.
Don't trust your clergy.
Shovels are for more than digging holes.
A lucky pen is not lucky at all.
Conscience is just a fear of getting caught.
No conscience is better than some conscience.
Angels in white are not as benevolent as they seem.
A good loser is still a loser.
Never accept a favor, the price will be too high.
If you witness a crime, find a way to profit from it.
Stay away from museums at night.
Stay away from boarding houses.
Strange things happen at bridges.
Bad things happen to bad people.
Terrible things happen to good people.
If you are really terrible, you must be the Sheriff
P.S. I'd like to welcome Mr. Rogers to my (virtual) neighborhood and thank him for dropping me a line. It's nice to know my audience has moved beyond my immediate friends acquaintances. Hell, even my family hasn't bothered to look me up yet.
Leverett Butts - Musings of a Bored English Teacher
Occasional web log from Southern writer Leverett Butts.
About Me
- Name: Lev
- Location: Temple, Georgia, United States
English Professor in Georgia. Writer of Southern lit
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