Leverett Butts - Musings of a Bored English Teacher

Occasional web log from Southern writer Leverett Butts.

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Location: Temple, Georgia, United States

English Professor in Georgia. Writer of Southern lit

Monday, December 01, 2003

Welcome back. I hope everyone had a filling and enjoyable Thanksgiving.

Lev's holiday ramble:

I hate people who call it "Turkey Day." I don't know why; it just sounds stupid.

I also hate "X-mas," not because it offends the religious right, but because the abbreviation makes no sense. It's like calling Tuesday "Z-day." Besides, it sounds like Malcolm X's birthday.

Similarly, "MLK day" sounds too much like "Milk Day," and that's just silly.

I prefer "Independence Day" to the "4th of July." Oddly, though, I think "Cinqo de Mayo" is cool.

I miss Armistice Day, but I'll tolerate Veteran's Day. Hell, either one gets me off work on November 11.

Other than dates, I don't understand the difference between Memorial Day and Veteran's Day.

I'm not sure about Labor Day. It seems misleading.

I think Arbor Day and Groundhog Day are both extremely under-appreciated.

Don't get me started on the variant spellings of our most recent manufactured holiday, Qwanzai (or is Kwanzaa?)